Astrology Readings

Did you ever wish life came with a manual? One that included a map that could help you chart your way through relationships, career, and big life decisions? It does and it’s called astrology. Join Kristen Bala for a personalized astrology reading, an enlightening experience that helps you align with the energies of the cosmos.

Channeled Intuitive Guidance

Join Jo Jayson for a channeled intuitive guidance reading and gain more clarity and direction on your life path. In this session, Jo channels her divine guides and uses her intuitive gifts to help you unlock your purpose and potential.

Tarot Readings

If you have a burning question about your life, need help sorting out priorities or just want to know what the future holds, consider a Tarot Reading with Carolyn Miller. Carolyn helps you understand the shifts happening right now, become aware of what's likely ahead and how you can best work with those energies.