Kristen Bala

Astrologer & Founder


Kristen is the founder of the Deep End, a holistic community that started around an indoor pool in Harvard, MA almost a decade ago. It has been her vision to bring together a trusted group of practitioners, offering a safe haven for healing, education and growth. She has a life-long knowledge and passion for astrology and offers readings and workshops for individuals, schools and organizations.

"Throughout my life, astrology has been a continuous backdrop. It is a language that never fails me and I've seen it do wonders to help heal and reveal a person's life path. I am forever grateful for my mentors that have taught me this incredible music of the spheres and it is my life's mission to share this passion with others."

Kristen has studied with several leading astrologers and graduated with honors from the Rebecca Gordon Astrology School. She has a background in writing and communications and enjoys using that skillset in her astrology blogs and helping her community. Kristen is an active member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (Boston Chapter) and the American Federation of Astrologers.